Sunday, March 14, 2010

Living no one's life, dreaming through lazy eyes.

Image from -

Based on the following lyrics to the Goo Goo Dolls' song "Lazy Eye"
Song's Music Video here -

"The world spins 'round the secret lives, of everyone that needs to hide. A cheap parade of endless lies, filters through this lazy eye. And I don't believe in signs. No, I don't believe your lies."

"Lose yourself in no one's life, trapped in nowhere's empty light."

Poverty, corruption, sickness; death,
It's all that we are gifted with in this country.
Dreams appear to us when we close our eyes at night,
It's the great escape from a harsh reality.

I am part of the lucky few,
Who have families overseas.
Entrenched behind guns, machines,
and a cabinet of old babbling men.

Being shipped off the Omega to the Alpha at 19,
It's more than what I could hope for.
I come to this land of opportunity;
I come to this land of dreams.

My cousin tours me through the land,
It's lights, it's life, it's awe.
He feeds me in the pleantyful,
A large burger, courtesy of a clown.

I'm lead through a forest amongst the lake,
Protected by buildings that scrape the skies.
I see the vibrance of what it is to be lucky,
When I see the old crow feeding the passing animals.

As night takes us,
We retreat home.
Something over my head,
A place of shelter for my dreams.

...But not for others...

A light shines from my cousin's room,
Fused with sounds of machinery.
As I enter the illuminated darkness,
He is not there...

I see EYES staring into a window,
Not a person, not a man.
Poised in position,
Restricted in movement.

I call to him - No answer.
I speak to him - Brief responses.
I threaten him - He pushes me away.
With his eyes in the light.

Days, weeks and months flyby,
While this land of dreams takes me.
I come to a day where nothing is the same,
I see the world in every blink.

I see a light, it is day,
I wish to hunt for bounty.
I take my sword, click it twice,
One-Thousand gold in the pot.

"Hello Jade, how's Australia this time of year?"
"That's good, it's Winter here."
"Wow, did you hear about that new celebrity break-up?"
"It made me cry"

Why do people pick on my grammar? iz nut dat baed
I'm allowed to shorten words. y du u sae?

I'm dreaming with my eyes open,
Staring endlessly through a window.
What an amazing life I've had,
Now I'm 80...

- Poem Written by Symon Taylor.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Philosophy: Just a short topic introduction.

"You're a great person, your styling persona shines bright when you're having fun. The company that flourishes around you proves that right. You are all one soul in each other, patiently waiting for a dance. Whilst waiting for the last waltz, we pass whispers that move on as wisdom, guidance and a better understanding of what a good life is. Sure some thoughts may pass through your life like a song quickly skips minds, but they cleared the skies for you and made the horizon more beautiful to gaze upon. And even if these friends stayed only a little while in your life, it's what they meant to you that counts. With footprints on your heart, you will never be the same again..."

- Symon Taylor.