Wednesday, May 19, 2010

* Amazing *

Note: Picture was chosen as a sort of "Yin and Yang" effect. There are blue solid stars being embraced by a red mist from a massive Red Dwarf Star.

* Recommendation: Watch this video during/before/after reading this blog post to truly appreciate this vast paradise we have been presented with.
- And just take your time to get lost within the pictures. Pictures of our universe.


Does it not amaze you, that we are just small dust sized particles in comparison to our Earth?
And you're all that matters.

Does it not amaze you, that our sun, our star Sol, is thousands of planets bigger than our Earth?
But you're all I see.

Does it not amaze you, that for every star in the sky, there is a system of planets, as vast as our own?
But your eyes warm my soul full.

Does it not amaze you, that hundreds of billions of these systems, swirl together and create a Galaxy?
But you fill me up, content.

Does it not amaze you, that in one pixel from a telescope, there are over 40 million independent Galaxies?
But you're still, all I see.

Our Galaxy is called; The Milky Way - Milk, being a life sustaining substance.
Galaxies are grand; and the Universe is larger yet, being an infinite brain.

So here, enough about the stars and come down with me, back down to Earth.
Because even though we are mere grains in the hourglass of time... love for you far exceeds the boundaries of the universe...

And I hope my love is enough, for a heart so big.

- Thoughts contemplated by Symon Taylor.

Picture from:

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful interaction of dialogue! A refreshingly creative presentation!

    Sometimes, what matters most is what matters within.

    And love how your blog is evolving with all those extra images of other worlds! Great atmosphere happening here!
